Mar, 2008
Eastertide – A Season of Hope

The great feast of Easter we have so recently celebrated is the beginning of a season of renewed hope in the Church. Christ has endured his passion and death and risen triumphantly and shown himself to his followers. How astonishing and remarkable an event the resurrection is, that Christ has risen to new life and promises to be with us always, even till the end of time – and in so doing bringing the promise of new life to all of us. Easter reminds us that for God, all things are possible and no aspect of our lives is beyond the transforming power of His Love.

CAFOD as an organisation is built on the hope of trying to enable so many people around the world to overcome the struggles and suffering they endure on a daily basis and help them to achieve a new experience of life – one in which all their needs are met. Whether it is by providing basic humanitarian aid to people fleeing from conflict and oppression, as in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Burma, or providing food and emergency shelter to the millions of people whose lives have been devastated by natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes and more recently, the floods that have affected millions of people in Mozambique and Bolivia.

Through working with its partner agencies in over 40 countries, CAFOD is able to respond rapidly to the emergencies that arise, in the immediate aftermath of the disaster and then staying to provide the resources to enable the work of reconstruction to begin and provide ongoing support in the longer term.

This could not be achieved without the generous support of so many people here in the UK who regularly donate funds as often as they can to CAFOD. You are our partners in this work of hope and through your kindness, the lives of so many are being transformed and the people are indeed rising to a newer experience of life.

Unlike the season of Easter, unfortunately this work does not come to an end. The need of the poorest people around the world is ever present and the call on the generosity of others continues. As well as financial aid, CAFOD also seeks support for its campaigning work. Unearth Justice; one of our current campaigns is focussed on cleaning up the gold mining industry by asking jewellers here in the UK and America to ensure the gold they are selling is ethically sourced. Many of you have taken part in signing gold chains, which were then presented to local jewellers. This action has produced some great successes with six out of seven jewellers signing up to the Golden Rules. Only Argos has still to be persuaded.

The companies who have signed up to the Golden Rules must now press for industry-wide standards that protect mining communities and the environments they live in. This includes not contaminating precious and irreplaceable water supplies with the use of cyanide that is used to extract gold from the rock. An influential legal panel has warned of serious risks to the health of people living near the gold mine in Honduras’ Siria Valley. This adds weight to our partner Caritas’ call for mining firm Entre Mares, an American owned company, to clean up its act. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, CAFOD partners met with Anglo Gold Ashanti, a British owned company, in December to call for transparency in its plans to open a gold mine in Mongbwalu. If you haven’t already taken part in this campaign, you can send a message from our website to Matthew Runcie, Chair of the Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices by visiting www.cafod.org.uk/newleaf

Another CAFOD campaign is on Climate Change, which will have the most impact on the poorest people of the world, who are least able to cope with it. While rich countries consume more than their fair share of the earth’s resources, the poorest bear the brunt of extreme weather conditions. There is no doubt Climate Change is an issue of justice.

This year, the UK will be the first to pass national legislation to combat Climate Change – an unmissable opportunity for the government to show international leadership where it matters most.

We hope to convince our MPs that our top three changes need to be in the Bill. These are to:

  1. Increase the carbon dioxide reduction target from 60 to at least 80 per cent by 2050
  2. Ensure that the UK’s share of emissions from international aviation and shipping are included in the reduction targets
  3. Set binding carbon budgets with annual milestones, to make sure that emissions reductions do not go off track

Over the next few months the Bill will pass through various stages for consultation and changes and this is when your MP could make the bill stronger and more effective. Your MP will vote on the Bill and you can influence how they vote.

Thousands of campaigners across the UK will be joining together this week for the Climate Change Week of Action 30th March – 5th April, before the Bill is voted on by MPs. You can make your pledge either online at www.cafod.org.uk/bill or by filling in a Climate Change card and either sending or taking it to your local MP’s constituency office. Or you can ask your MP to make a pledge themselves. It is never too late to act. There are free resources available from CAFOD for this. To order a Climate Change Action Pack contact the Diocesan Office on (01904) 671767 or by e-mail: Middlesbrough@cafod.org.uk

CAFOD and Christian Aid in Hull are hosting a Climate Change Question Time with their local MPs and experts on Climate Change on 4th April from 7.30 pm at the Endsleigh Centre on Beverley Road. Find out what is happening in your area by visiting www.icount.org.uk

For whatever action you choose to take in support of CAFOD and its work, the thanks of all whose lives are transformed by your efforts are your eternal reward. May the Risen Christ bless and be with you always, as your inspiration and your constant source of hope.

Carol Cross
CAFOD Diocesan Officer, Middlesbrough

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