Fr Pat Grant, who was for more than 30 years parish priest at St Paulinus, York, celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of his priestly ordination on Sunday 13th June at a concelebrated Mass in the parish of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven, Kilkee, County Clare.
The principal celebrant was Fr Gerard Kenney, parish priest, who read a letter of thanks and congratulations to Fr Pat from Bishop Terry. Fr Gerard spoke of Fr Pat’s ministry in our Diocese, and Pat added a few words.
When he left York, Fr Pat moved to Kilkee where he was cared for by his former housekeeper, Mary. Recently, Mary has not been too well and so Fr Pat has moved into a nursing home in Kilrush, a few miles from Kilkee. Fr Gerard told ‘Voice’ that Pat is in good spirits, still working on his laptop but slowing down a little.