Holy Cross, Cottingham

3 Carrington Avenue, Cottingham, East Yorks HU16 4DU

Tel: 01482 847763

Email: richard.marsden@rcdmidd.org.uk




Rev Richard Marsden

Service Times


Sunday: Vigil 6.30pm, Sunday 10am

Holy days: 10am

Weekdays: As announced


Saturday: 10am-10.30am


Sunday: 4pm (with Rosary & Benediction)


Full access facilities for wheelchairs (access plus disabled toilet)

Loop system for hearing-aid users


Twinned with Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Juba, Freetown

CWL, SVP, Luncheon Club, Parish Library

Castle Hill Hospital


Mass was first celebrated in 1917 and a chapel set up in the home of the Hildyard family. The present church was built in 1928 (architects Williams and Jopling) and extended in 1954 (architects John Houghton of Hull), also in 1982 and 2004.

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