Sep, 2015
Home Mission Sunday – 20th September 2015

unnamed (1)Supporting the work of evangelisation in England and Wales

Theme: PROCLAIM God’s Mercy

Home Mission Sunday is celebrated today and is themed: PROCLAIM God’s Mercy. On this day we are encouraged to pray for the work of evangelisation in England and Wales, remembering in our prayers especially those whom we know are distant from the life of faith. Please support the second collection which funds the bishops’ national work of evangelisation and the development of this year’s Proclaim ’15: Building Missionary Parishes initiative. The collection also ensures that the Catholic Faith Centre is resourced to respond to those who have questions about the Catholic Faith. It is possible to donate online at: www.catholicnews.org.uk/donations Commemorative prayer cards are available to take away. Please support the work of Home Mission through your prayers and generosity. For more information see:www.catholicnews.org.uk/hms15


The following information about the Proclaim ’15 legacy resources may also be of interest to parishes.

Proclaim ’15: Legacy Resources
There is a substantial Proclaim ’15 web section. Over the summer legacy resources have been added and include film recordings of the keynotes and workshops. This is to complement the audio recordings that Agape ministries is offering:http://www.agapeministries.co.uk There is a full complement of free professional photographs available onwww.flckr.com/catholicism

In time for Home Mission Sunday an inter-diocesan team (Clifton and Plymouth), also including the Redemptorists and Home Mission Desk, is working to complete themed summary sheets offering key insights from the workshops offered on 11 July. In summary the legacy material for Proclaim includes:

  • Free photographs
  • Audio of every workshop and keynote
  • Films of every workshop and keynote
  • Workshop summary sheets (top tips)
  • As well as legacy events in a number of dioceses and the existing prayer and small group resources that are already online.

Please see: www.catholicnews.org.uk/proclaim


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