Nov, 2010
‘Light of the World’

Amongst the countless legacies of Pope Benedict XVI’s visit is one that is very simple and tangible, and is accessible to us all. Every parish (or cluster of parishes) in our Diocese has received an image and candle blessed by the Pope to support us in our ongoing journey of faith.

photo to accompany the light of the world article

As a commemoration of the Papal Visit, framed copies of the Pre-Raphaelite painter, William Holman Hunt’s ‘Light of the World’ have been distributed around the Diocese. The image and candles were blessed by the Holy Father during the Prayer Vigil at Hyde Park on the evening of 18th September.

Fr Andrew Headon, one of the organisers of the Vigil, said ‘Holman Hunt’s painting has been described as ‘a sermon in a frame’ and reminds everyone that Jesus knocks at the door of our hearts. The painting invites us to reflect that Jesus’ heart cries out for our hearts to be one with his. He is standing at the door and knocking, offering love and peace.’

The candles and images are intended to be used in our parishes as a tool for evangelisation and outreach. The Bishops’ Conference suggests that they be used in prayer groups, sacramental preparation groups, schools, prisons, hospitals, hospices, and taken into the homes of sick and housebound parishioners.

There are numerous ways in which our parishes will imaginatively use the candles and images to encourage prayer and witness. They may be displayed at your parish Mass, or used as a focus in other, more informal, liturgies and devotions.

The Adult Formation Department asks that Catholic Voice readers give feedback on some of the creative ways that your parish uses these holy items. Please send a few words and a photograph if possible, so that I can collate and publish a record of this special legacy being used in the life of our Diocese.

At the Hyde Park Vigil, some words of Blessed John Henry Newman were prayed – that by God’s grace we would radiate the presence of Christ. We trust these images will remind everyone who sees them that we’re all invited into a personal relationship with God, and called to radiate the light and love of Christ in our world.

Jane Cook, Adult Formation Adviser

Please send your ‘Light of the World’ stories and pictures to adultformation@dioceseofmiddlesbrough.co.uk

Prayers for use with the image and candles can be downloaded from www.thepapalvisit.org.uk/2010-Visit/Papal-Visit-Resources/Parish-Resources

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