Middlesbrough Lourdes

Official Site

Middlesbrough Lourdes

Official Site

Middlesbrough Lourdes

Official Site

Middlesbrough Lourdes

Official Site

Names Come In For Memorial Book

Names Come In For Memorial Book

Names have been coming in for the new Lourdes Memorial Book that we plan to take when we return on pilgrimage next year. The book will list the names of deceased Hospitalité members, pilgrims, including supported pilgrims, and friends of Lourdes who have supported our...

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Lourdes Returns For 2022!

Lourdes Returns For 2022!

We are asking you to register your interest for our 2022 pilgrimage, which we are starting to plan for now.It is important for us in these early planning stages that we get a feel for numbers who would be interested in travelling with us to Lourdes. This includes...

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A Tribute To Harrison Torr

A Tribute To Harrison Torr

A celebration of the life of Harrison Torr will be held at St Bede’s Church, Hull, at noon on Tuesday July 27. Harrison died in March 2020 after a courageous fight against cancer. Father Dominique Minskip wrote this tribute…  Harrison Torr (“Harri”), who was...

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Days until Lourdes 2021






