Middlesbrough Lourdes

Official Site

Middlesbrough Lourdes

Official Site

Middlesbrough Lourdes

Official Site

Middlesbrough Lourdes

Official Site

A Tribute To Harrison Torr

A Tribute To Harrison Torr

A celebration of the life of Harrison Torr will be held at St Bede’s Church, Hull, at noon on Tuesday July 27. Harrison died in March 2020 after a courageous fight against cancer. Father Dominique Minskip wrote this tribute…  Harrison Torr (“Harri”), who was...

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Important Announcement: Joe Walsh Tours

Important Announcement: Joe Walsh Tours

I am sorry to have to inform you that as of April 27 2021, Joe Walsh Pilgrim Tours will cease trading.Having spoken to David Walsh the CEO of the company he has assured me that there was no alternative to this situation, which is a direct result of the travel industry...

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An Easter Message From Our Pilgrimage Director

An Easter Message From Our Pilgrimage Director

Who would have thought 12 months ago that we would still be in a state of uncertainty and lockdown? Life has been very uncertain over the last 12 months. Sadly, we have lost some very special people who were part of our Lourdes family – please take time this Easter to...

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Days until Lourdes 2021










