May, 2015
May Voice Article from Bishop Terry

During the course of this month, some of us will be travelling in pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. Allow me to share some thoughts on this year’s pilgrimage, both for those who are able to physically travel there and everyone who will remain at home in the Diocese.
If you went home from Lourdes and didn’t want to tell people about it, then I would have to wonder what you were doing there in the first place! While it is not always easy to explain to others what happened to us in Lourdes, precisely what we saw and experienced in Lourdes, what we witnessed in Lourdes, the joy and the intensity of our time there overflows and pours out of us and others can see that it was a genuine and unique moment in our lives.
That is why it is important for us to take time to reflect on everything that happens to us in Lourdes; from the moment we arrive, our times in prayer, our conversations – wherever they might take place; walking, talking, helping, socialising, relaxing – moments on our own, celebrating the Liturgy, taking part in the processions, at the baths, wherever. Lourdes is a special place, a special time, a special opportunity for all of us who go.
The Pastoral Theme for our pilgrimage this year is “Lourdes, the Joy of Mission.” An essential quality of being a missionary is that the missionary is one who is sent. In this particular case we are sent by the Lord himself, just as he sent his apostles and the disciples to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth. In a very special and privileged way we are given the opportunity in Lourdes of experiencing the Good News played out in front of our very eyes. By sharing the gifts that each of us is given by God we can experience the joy of the Gospel. It is this joy that we are being sent to bring to all those we meet. And it is not just for the time spent in Lourdes but for the whole of our lives. Neither is it just the task of those who go to Lourdes; it is the mission entrusted to each of us at our Baptism and Confirmation. All of us then, with Our Lady’s help, are to be missionaries of joy to all we meet. Not only are we sent to bring Good News, we are to be good news ourselves.
Please remember the intentions of all the pilgrims going to Lourdes in your prayers and the intentions of all the Diocese will be remembered in Lourdes by all the pilgrims there.
Our Lady, Cause of our Joy: pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes: pray for us.
St Bernadette: pray for us.


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