A free mini-retreat has been organised with the intention of inspiring and equipping people to be more effective in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The meeting is hosted by “ADoRE”, one of the longest-running charismatic days of renewal in the country, and includes Mass, adoration, praise and worship and inspired teaching on practical ways to evangelise.
Guest speakers are Father Jon Bielawski and Michele Thompson of Genesis Mission, a Catholic organisation that prepares disciples for apostolic mission in parishes.
Through examples and testimonies, they will show practical ways of sharing the good news.
This is the latest part of ADoRE’s Zoom course to inspire Parish Evangelisation: “Proclaim the Good News – we are called to be Missionary Disciples”, which runs until November, usually on the fourth Saturday of each month.
“In a culture that is increasingly opposed to Christian values, it is becoming ever more urgent to proclaim the Good News that Jesus brings – and this is a mission that involves all of us,” a spokesman for the organiser said.
“As Pope Francis said in The Joy of the Gospel, ‘In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples…. Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelisation’.”
The mini-retreat is on Saturday May 20 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.
For Adoration at 9.30am and Mass at 10am, visit stbedesbasingstoke.org.uk/live/ and find “From St Bede’s…LIVE” (no need to register).
To join the rest of the meeting on Zoom (praise at 11.10am and talk from 11.45am to 12.45pm) you must register in advance. Visit bit.ly/ADOREMAY2023 to be sent a link.

May, 2023
Mini-retreat focuses on practical ways of proclaiming the Good News