May, 2011
Moving On

David Cross writes,

You may be aware that I am no longer CAFOD’s Diocesan Manager for the Diocese of Middlesbrough. For the next twelve months I have been seconded to take on the role of Head of Regions North to take over from my colleague Paul Crowe who has retired after twelve years in the post.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the last five years as CAFOD’s Diocesan Manager and have found the support of your good selves to be both inspiring and most helpful. Volunteers and Parish Contacts are the very lifeblood of CAFOD. Without your time and commitment we could not hope to reach as many of our sisters and brothers overseas as we are able to at present. You are also valuable advocates for them when you campaign and speak out.

Thank you for all you do to support CAFOD and for your very generous support of myself over the last five years.
Carol Cross has taken over my role as Diocesan Manager. I am sure that she will enjoy the same high level of support from you that I have.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead)

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