A free Zoom mini-retreat morning will take place on Saturday February 24 with the theme “I have chosen you – trusting God’s Promises”.
The meeting is hosted by “ADoRE” one of the longest-running charismatic days of renewal in the country.
Organisers says the session includes Mass, Adoration, praise and worship, inspired talk and prayer for all participants to be refilled with the Holy Spirit.
The talk will be given by Mary Hirst, who has worked with the Lay Community of St Benedict, helping people explore faith, prayer and Lectio Divina. She will explain how the Holy Spirit helps us to trust and pray God’s promises.
The retreat is part of ADoRE 2024 programme dedicated to exploring the call to holiness and the essential role of the Holy Spirit in transforming us into the image of Jesus.
“He has given us… his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may … become participants in the divine nature.” (2 Peter 1:4)
The Mini-retreat is from 10am to 1pm. For details and advance registration visit bit.ly/ADOREFEB2024.

Online retreat looks at learning to trust God’s promises