Jan, 2008
Outstanding OFSTED Report for St Clare’s

The latest OFSTED inspection of St Clare’s RC Primary School in Trimdon Avenue, Middlesbrough considers that it provides an ‘outstanding education for its pupils’.

The inspection, made in late November 2007, also says that the headteacher gives ‘clear direction’ and senior management ‘very effective leadership’. All staff ‘successfully promote the School’s mission and Catholic values’. The School is ‘outstandingly well led and managed because of the way the headteachers and governors work harmoniously together’.

Throughout Key Stage 1 the inspection highlighted that pupils achieve well, and reach very high standards. Results in 2007 were significantly above the national average. There has been exceptionally good progress in mathematics since the last inspection.

Key Stage 2 results are also above the national average and also exceed the School’s own very challenging targets.

The School also has a clear action plan with which to raise standards even further, especially in mathematics.

Pupils enjoy excellent teaching, a wide range of opportunities across the curriculum, and careful monitoring of their progress. The teachers’ personal knowledge of each pupil’s progress helps develop abilities, and helps those at risk of falling behind. As a result many pupils ‘have made outstanding progress or sustained high achievement’. Teaching preparation takes account of differing abilities, and gifted and talented pupils ‘really enjoy the activities that tax their ingenuity’.

The School has recently moved into new premises and the challenges associated with such a move were successfully met.

The report also praises ‘an exceptionally wide range of activities’ that leads to excellence in the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The inspection report also praises the behaviour of pupils: ‘Their outlook, respect for each other, politeness and courtesy all reflect how well the School helps them develop maturity and confidence’.

Excellent behaviour inside School is matched outside, and the report mentions the positive impression that pupils made on councillors when they visited the Town Hall, adding ‘they are fine ambassadors for their School’.

There are charitable activities, many run in association with their local Catholic church, which enable pupils to make a wider contribution to the community.

The report also says that ‘Parents have every confidence in the School and their trust is fully justified. One parent commented to OFSTED that ‘the teachers are genuinely interested in each child and I have seen my two children grow in confidence and self-esteem, and this is reflected in their learning’.

Headteacher, Sue Fall said: ‘This inspection report is a fantastic tribute to all the hard work and dedication of my colleagues, governors and all our pupils and parents.

‘I am delighted with the academic progress highlighted in the report. I am equally delighted that we are helping to shape our pupils as caring, creative and responsible individuals that appreciate and respond to needs in their community and the wider world.

‘I was particularly thrilled to hear that they are fine ambassadors for the School. This is wonderful recognition of all the work that we are doing at St†Clare’s. The pupils, and their parents, should take a great deal of pride and confidence from this report’.

The OFSTED report was followed by a Diocesan Religious Education inspection by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Middlesbrough which also judged the School to be outstanding in every category.

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