A Quaker supports a Catholic sister

IBVM (Loreto) in Albania In 1986 two nuns hit the headlines on Teesside. Sisters Imelda Poole and Philippa Green, IBVM (Loreto) began their grassroots ministry in a deprived area called The Clarences, on the north bank of the River Tees near the famous Transporter...

Voice Readers Support Albania

Sr Imelda Poole IBVM(Loreto) writes, Thank you to all the readers and generous donators who have so kindly responded to the appeal for the projects in Albania. The amazing total raised was £2365.00 and this achievement, during such a short time and at this time in...

A Special Christmas Appeal

from Sister Imelda Poole IBVM (Loreto) from Albania “The Faith Community in Middlesbrough has always been loyal companions for justice and with the poor, on the journey which we have taken as IBVM(Loreto) sisters, first in Port Clarence, where the work of the...

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