The latest Pope Video presents the prayer intention that Pope Francis is entrusting to the entire Catholic Church through the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network…
“Let us pray that, in social, economic, and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship.”
The Holy Father’s prayer intention addresses the many problems and crises of living side by side that are being experienced on a global level, on the level of societies and families, and in relationships among people in general.
In the face of this he proposes the path of dialogue to “build social friendship which is so necessary,” and to “live with passion the challenges we face in constructing the common good.”
Although on many occasions the media or politics make us prisoners of their power games to create enmity, the Pope asks us to pray against this destructive polarisation, and thus to become true architects of dialogue.
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About The Pope Video
The Pope Video is an official global initiative with the purpose of disseminating the Holy Father’s monthly prayer intentions. It is carried out by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer). Since the year 2016, the Pope Video has had more than 156m views across all its social networks, and is translated into more than 23 languages, receiving press coverage in 114 countries.
The videos are produced and created with the support of La Machi Agency and the team of the Pope Video of the Prayer Network, coordinated by Andrea Sarubbi. The project is supported by Vatican Media. More information at: The Pope Video.
About the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network is a Vatican foundation, with the mission of mobilizing Catholics through prayer and action in response to the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church. These challenges are presented in the form of prayer intentions entrusted by the Pope to the entire Church.
The foundation’s mission is inscribed in the dynamic of the Heart of Jesus, a mission of compassion for the world. It was founded in 1844 as the Apostleship of Prayer. It is present in 89 countries and is made up of more than 22m Catholics.
It includes a youth branch, the Eucharistic Youth Movement (EYM). In December 2020, the Pope constituted this pontifical work as a Vatican foundation and approved its new statutes. Its international director is Father Frédéric Fornos, SJ.
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