Read-A-Book-A-Month asks your help

Read-A-Book-A-Month bible challenge invites the help of the whole Diocese in raising the project’s profile on the internet. ‘When I google ‘catholic’ and ‘bible-challenge’ complains Mary Callan, ‘the World Wide Web offers me a site which promises ‘a list of bible-challenges to disprove catholic teaching’.

photo of Mary Callan with I.T. specialists in English Martyrs parish

Let’s give our project a higher profile, and encourage all Christians to share the bible, without arguing. ‘To help achieve this, Mary asks as many readers as possible to visit the parish website and to put the link onto their Facebook pages, etc. Ask your young relatives to help. Also check out the new fairytales on Mary’s website

The book for December and January will be Matthew’s gospel, focusing on Christmas with the story of the Magi, and continuing, as the Church offers us Matthew’s gospel in the lectionary.

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