Remembering Fr Michael

On 12th March, the O’Connor Conservatory was officially blessed by Canon Michael Loughlin of St Charles Parish in Hull and opened by Justin Morgan, present Head Coach of Hull Kingston Rovers, and former coach of Toulouse. Justin was born in Australia and retired from playing rugby league at 26. He was also an international player for Wales.

photo of Justin Morgan officially opening the new facility

Fr O’Connor was a keen supporter of HKR and was known to Justin. When it was decided to build the new extension, Fr O’Connor was quite ill and after his death it was decided to name the room after him. Sr Catherine Ryan, the Director of Endsleigh, was looking for a local well known figure to open the O’Connor conservatory and it was suggested that Justin would be an ideal choice.

photo of Canon Loughlin blessing the new facility

The Endsleigh Centre is very grateful to Mr Morgan for his kind acceptance to perform this opening, where a well loved parish priest will be remembered with much affection.

photo of Justin Morgan with Sister Catherine Ryan

The Centre is a vibrant part of Hull City. It offers bed and breakfast accommodation, and is available for all functions – weddings, jubilees, birthday celebration and funerals. It houses many of Hull’s important conferences. The atmosphere is unique while the grounds offer ample parking. As a convent and teaching training college, it also has a fascinating history. We have a chapel, poustinia and labyrinth which are ideal for quiet contemplation, but one can always find peace and quiet at the Centre.

Please feel free to come and visit the most unique, special and welcoming Catholic Centre in the south of our Diocese.

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