Singing for Baghdad Children’s Hospital

On Friday 8th May the Mosaic Singers put on a performance of songs from various musicals in aid of the Sacred Heart and St Patrick parish appeal for the Baghdad Childrens Hospital. Mark Turnbull introduced and closed the evening with his usual eloquence. John Hinman spoke at the interval giving a background to the appeal which was well received.

photo of Mosaic Singers in Sacred Heart Church, Middlesbrough

The evening was a tremendous success with almost £500 being raised and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all.

In just two months the parish’s Justice and Peace group has raised over £1600 of it’s overall £5000 target and with further events such as a sponsored walk arranged, the target is well in sight. The Sponsored Walk is an eight and a half mile walk on Saturday, 4th July – starting at the John Paul Centre at 11 a.m. All are welcome to take part. Sponsor forms will be available later on the parish web site

Phil Dasey

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