Nov, 2010
Thank You Wynne!

Parishioners of St Clare’s Church were graced with beautifully bright autumn afternoon for a special Mass of thanksgiving for one of the parish’s founding parishioners, the much-loved Mrs Wynne Hughes, who is leaving the parish and the diocese to be nearer to her family.

photo of presentation to Wynne Hughes

For decades Wynne has worked tirelessly, in her own quiet and unassuming yet courageous way for those in need especially the homeless and those seeking asylum. In recent months Wynne’s health has prevented her from attending Mass regularly but has continued to join with the parish in prayer and has managed through her network of friends to support those causes close to her heart.

After Mass Mrs Anne Eason made a presentation to Wynne on behalf of the parish. The Editor of the Catholic Voice would like to add his own thanks and best wishes to Wynne, a dear friend.

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