Feb, 2014
The Ushaw Lecture Series

Weds 19 February
Fr Nicholas Schofield, Archivist, Archdiocese of Westminster
Ushaw’s Twin Sister: St Edmund’s, Ware, the Douai of the South
Drinks Reception: 5:30pm; Lecture 6.00-7.30pm
Venue: Main Lecture Hall, Ushaw College
The Ushaw Lecture Series has been organized with the aim of promoting the archival material and heritage items held at the site. They will act also as a lead in to the publication of the Treasures of Ushaw College volume. As such, the lectures will explore different aspects of the College’s history and that of the English Catholic community more widely, with expert contributors drawn from within and outside the University.
ALL LECTURES ARE FREE BUT YOU MUST REGISTER FOR YOUR FREE TICKET WITH SUSAN ROYAL AT s.a.royal@durham.ac.uk or tel: 0191 334 1656 www.centreforcatholicstudies.co.uk

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