Nov, 2010
‘To know me is to know the Father’

Forty eight Catechists, working in 22 parishes across the Diocese, came together in York in October for the Diocesan Catechists Renewal Day. Fr John Lumley and I had led them to anticipate some excellent input from our guest speaker, Paddy Rylands, and I’m certain they were not disappointed!

Paddy, an extremely experienced practitioner and author on parish catechesis, took as her theme the words of our Lord from John 14:7 ‘To know me is to know the Father’. She added two further Gospel phrases: ‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:10) and the Great Commission from Matthew 28 ‘Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations’. In these words of Scripture, Paddy explained, the essence of catechesis is captured.

She reminded us also of what the Church teaches about catechesis – that it is part of the life of every local Church, and that its definitive aim is to bring us into communion and greater intimacy with Christ. Then we were challenged – ‘What does all this make me feel about being a Catechist?’ ‘What is the invitation this raises for me?’

At times, we were encouraged to be introspective, reflecting upon what fosters our own relationship with Christ, and who is the person we are being invited to journey with in faith. Throughout the day, we sang, prayed, listened, watched, laughed and shared, together with enjoying periods both of reflective silence and animated discussion.

We also examined some hands-on issues, such as creating a framework for session planning – with reference to the RCIA process, the Pastoral Cycle, the ‘See – Judge – Act’ process, and the events on the Road to Emmaus, all coming together at the practical heart of our catechetical work.

Catechists were present who are engaged in preparation for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, and RCIA, along with a number who lead Children’s Liturgy of the Word. So we also valued an opportunity for discussion in these special interest groups, sharing resources, experiences and good practice, and together exploring the way ahead.

Throughout the day, there was a tremendous sense of vibrancy, energy and commitment in the room. I’m sure it was equally cultivated by the exceptional skills and insight of Paddy, and the dedication and enthusiasm of our Catechists.

It was good to pick up a copy of a Parish Newsletter whilst in Hull recently, and read a short reflection on the Renewal Day written by a First Communion Catechist, who spoke of being ‘inspired and enthused’. I hope we can all join with that sentiment, and will look forward with anticipation to other such days.

Jane Cook, Adult Formation Adviser

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