Dec, 2008
Unearth Justice Campaign

Dear Friends

Just to let you know the new action for Unearth Justice (Shine a light in the darkness) is now live on the CAFOD website at
www.cafod.org.uk/shinealight Please do take the action, and publicise this address within your parish communities and networks as widely as possible.

Kept in the dark – new Unearth Justice report from CAFOD calling on BHP Billiton to let communities in the Philippines have a say over their future.

CAFOD is calling on BHP Billiton to show how it will prevent environmental damage and ensure that local people can make a genuine choice, based on independent information, about the proposed mine.

Please sign the petition and send a personal message of solidarity to the community today.

See more at the link above.

Many thanks for your support.

Best wishes

David Cross
CAFOD Diocesan Manager

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