Jan, 2012
Unsung Heroines – Women’s World Day of Prayer

Women’s World Day of Prayer is an annual opportunity to gather together as Christians, to witness to our shared Gospel values, to praise God with words and music, and to intercede for deep human needs across the globe. Always the first Friday in March, this year the service is on the 2nd, and is prepared by the Christian women of Malaysia, a country renowned for its tolerance of different faiths which coexist with mutual respect. Their subject is ‘Let Justice Prevail’, a theme truly relevant in these times of violent strife. It is increasingly important that Catholics are seen to be involved in ecumenical partnerships: look out for services advertised in your area and attend if you can. York Central Service will be at 2.00 pm at St Olaves C of E Church in Marygate. The Lord Mayor and Sheriff will be present. Our speaker will be Nan Saeki, renowned for many years for her work towards Justice and Peace in Middlesbrough Diocese and nationally.

Angela Breffit

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