Apr, 2011
Vin Garbutt – Teesside Troubadour

Legend of the international Folk scene Vin Garbutt is now the star of a film which tells the story of his life. Director, Craig Hornby has done a fantastic job of capturing Vin’s personal story, including how his Catholic faith and his pro-life stance has affected his career.

photo of Vin Garbutt

Many in the north of the Diocese will know Vin personally and will be delighted to see the film, if you don’t know him – see this DVD you will love it and him!

Vin’s music has consistently tackled injustice for years, and there is over an hour of Vin live as an extra on the DVD, but the real gem is the film and the man behind that music.

The DVD will be available on May 1st. For purchase information check out www.vingarbutt.com or www.pancrack.tv

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