photo of sign at Christ the King Church, Thornaby
Oct, 2010
Welcome Back

Back in June 2008, over 120 parishioners from 36 parishes came to Diocesan workshops entitled ‘Welcome Back’, led by Redemptorist priest, Fr Ed Hone. Perhaps you were one of them, or you read my account of the two events at Middlesbrough and Hull.

photo of sign at Christ the King Church, Thornaby

In them, Fr Hone outlined a project called ‘Welcome Back’, which originated at St Patrick’s, Edinburgh, and is used as a tool for reaching out to people who have drifted or walked away from the life of the Church. Together we explored many facets of his practical approach for parish outreach, which is firmly rooted in the example and mission of Christ, geared towards the welcoming personal invitation.

The immediate feedback showed that most participants were greatly enthused by the various strategies and ideas that we explored, with several parishes planning to adapt aspects of ‘Welcome Back’ to their own situation.

But often some people ask, at the end of such a day, or in the weeks following, ‘Where do we go from here?’ Perhaps some readers might even be tempted to assume that such events are merely talking-shops, with few practical and beneficial outcomes. That assumption would be wrong. Initiatives arising from those workshops have, with the grace of God, renewed faith and changed lives.

One simple strategy, which appealed to a number of parishes, is ‘Light a Candle – Say a Prayer’. This involves the church being open during the daytime, displaying an explicit and attractive banner, enabling people to quietly light a candle and spend some time in prayer. Written prayers are available for those who choose them, together with the presence of unobtrusive, compassionate listeners from the parish. ‘Light a Candle – Say a Prayer’ has become a regular event in the West Hull churches of St Wilfrid and Corpus Christi. Sr Kathleen Kennedy DC speaks of the number of local people of all ages who appreciate dropping into church for quiet prayer during the week. It has recently been incorporated into the 40th anniversary celebrations of Christ the King parish, Thornaby. For two days, whilst a photographic exhibition of parish life was taking place and refreshments were being served, an invitation was extended to ‘Light a Candle – Say a Prayer’.

A beautiful banner, combined with leafleting the local area, and press and radio announcements, helped ensure a constant stream of people coming into church for quiet personal prayer. Sue Paterson, who helped to organise the event, is aware that ‘people were attracted who had little or no Church contact’. She encountered one lady, recently bereaved, who spent several hours receiving the grace, strength and empathetic ear that she desperately needed. I believe these initiatives are some delightful and practical examples of the seeds sown by Fr Ed Hone’s ‘Welcome Back’ workshops continuing to bear fruit.

Jane Cook, Adult Formation Adviser

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