St Andrew’s Parish, Teesville

1 Bondfield Road, Teesville, Middlesbrough TS6 9BA


01642 453556



Incorporating the churches of:

St Andrew’s Church, Fabian Road, Teesville

St Anne’s Church, Birchington Avenue, Eston

St Peter’s Church, Middlesbrough Road, South Bank


Canon John Loughlin, Parish Priest

Service Times


Sunday: Sunday 9.30am (St Andrew’s), 11am (St Anne’s)

Holy days: 10.30am (St Anne’s), 7pm (St Andrew’s)

Weekdays: Please enquire or refer to the newsletter or parish website


Saturday 9am-9.25am,(St Andrew’s)
Sunday 10.40am (St Anne’s)


Access only (ramps, etc) (St Peter’s)

Full access facilities for wheelchairs (access plus disabled toilet) (St Andrew’s and St Anne’s)

Loop system for hearing-aid users (all)


Sisters of Cross and Passion, St Anne’s House


Legion of Mary, SVP, Eston Handicapped Fellowship, Zoe’s Place (Crossbeck House), Bereavement Group.
Nursing/Residential Homes: Astune Rise; Briarwood; Castle Dene; Nessfield; Primrose Court.
All sacramental preparation programmes are parish-based – details upon enquiry


The original parishes of St Peter’s, South Bank (1874) and St Mary’s Grangetown (1886), serving the Irish and Lithuanian immigrants who worked in the smelting works by the Tees, gave birth to the parishes of St Andrew (1962) and St Anne (1970) as the terraced streets near the works were demolished and new housing was built further south towards the Cleveland Hills. St Mary’s Church was demolished (1989) and four parishes became one by 2002 (architects: St Peter’s – Brodrick, Lowther and Walker of Hull; St Andrew’s – Frank Swainston; St Anne’s – Swainston, Wilson and Collie).

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