Urgent – Vigil for Anselme

There will be a ‘vigil’ at St Mary’s Stockton for Anselme Noumbiwa on Tuesday 28th April, 4-7. Justice First hope to contact MPs etc.

Anselme is a Cameroonian Christian who faces a grave threat in his home country as a result of his beliefs. He was arrested again last week and may be deported imminently.

It is clear from the evidence of the Cameroonian Bishop, MP, journalists, Anselme’s tribalkingmaker and the local Police Commissioner that Anselme will face danger on return. The Home Office now accept his story is true but maintain internal relocation is possible, not so according to evidence from above. Anselme has removal on a charter – no public, no crew, only security.

The Bishop of Durham has written a powerful piece for the national newspapers.

Catherine Ramos

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