Physicians for Human Rights meeting in York

Reporting on the devastating reality of the War on Gaza

An evening meeting with Physicians for Human Rights on 25 June, 7.30pm in the Clementhorpe Room, CVS Building, Priory Street, York

All are welcome


  • Miri Weingarten Advocacy worker for Physicians for Human Rights-Israel
  • Sr Alicia Vacas Comboni Missionary Sister, nurse and member of the Physicians for Human Rights delegation to Gaza, January 2009

On 23 March Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and the Palestinian Medical Relief Society launched their report into violations of international law during the 22 day offensive in Gaza. Based on numerous first hand testimonies obtained during an international, independent fact-finding mission, it documents causes of death, degree of care for the sick and wounded, and the treatment of medical personnel and facilities.

Physicians for Human Rights–Israel argues that the attack on Gaza revealed a stark decline in Israeli Defence Force treatment of Palestinian civilians.

The evening is organised by Pax Christi, the Justice and Peace Commission of Middlesbrough Diocese and York Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Contact person for York event: Nan Saeki on 01904 783621

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