‘Little Way Week’, brainchild of the Catholic Agency to Support Evangelisation (CASE) and inspired by the spiritual teaching on the ‘Little Way’ of St Thérèse of Lisieux, will run from the 18th-24th October 2009. As ‘Patroness of the Missions’, St Thérèse lived by this pathway which is a commitment to do everyday small tasks with love. The week will start as the national tour of England and Wales of the relics of St Thérèse finishes.
In preparation for the week, resources are being provided to encourage and help Catholics to decide which seven small actions – one per day for a week – they will do to witness to their faith through service. Daily ‘Little Way’ ideas will be distributed by SMS text message. Additional ideas and resources will be provided online (from mid-August at www.littlewayweek.org.uk) to support people to reach out to others with the love of Jesus Christ. The hope is that the initiative may also encourage people to consider volunteering with a Catholic charitable organisation long term as an expression of Catholic mission.
Interim CASE Team Leader, Clare Ward, said ‘We don’t always need to use words to evangelise. Small daily acts and gestures can powerfully witness to others of the love and mercy of God. The hope is that every member of the Catholic Community will feel equipped, enthused and resourced to get involved in this seven day national outreach. This October, 18th-24th, please consider taking some little steps to signpost people to Jesus Christ. The ‘Little Way’ is simple, direct and something that everyone can get involved with whatever age they are.’
Advance information and resources about the initiative will be sent to every parish to coincide with Home Mission Sunday – 20th September 2009 – which is a day of prayer for the spread of the Gospel in England and Wales. It is hoped that this will give people some time to reflect on their possible involvement in the week. The liturgical materials provided for the Sunday are themed, ‘They will know Him by the good works that you do,’ and invite people to consider how they can witness to their faith through service, being ever aware of the ‘little’ opportunities that present themselves to explain the reason for their actions – in response to the love of Christ (1 Peter 3:15). More than 270,000 leaflets will be distributed to parishes and religious houses across England and Wales.
Rt Rev Kieran Conry, Chair of the Bishops’ Conference Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis, said ‘It is the task of every parish and baptised person to break open for others the meaning of Jesus’ story through witnessing to their faith through loving service. There is a powerful link between evangelisation and works of charity because, ‘Love of neighbour is a path that leads to the encounter with God, and that closing our eyes to our neighbour also blinds us to God’ (Deus Caritas Est 30b; 16). This initiative challenges us to take a fresh look at how we can show the face of God by the good works, small and large, that we do in daily life. I encourage you to take part in this ‘little’ week of evangelistic service and before that to celebrate Home Mission Sunday in your parish.’