The relics of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux will be in York Minster on her feast day, 1st October, before being taken to Middlesbrough Cathedral the following day.
The York Carmelite Spirituality Group welcomes everybody interested in learning more about this Doctor of the Church to a free introductory talk about her life and message at The Corpus Christi Carmelite Sisters, 110 Lawrence Street, York on Saturday 26th September
- (09.30 optional Eucharist) 10.00 Coffee and Registration
- 10.15 Talk on Thérèse followed by group discussion
- 12.00 Lectio Divina Bible meditation
- 13.00 Close with bring and share lunch
For more information please contact:
Mr. Johan Bergström-Allen, Whitefriars, More House, Heslington, York, YO10 5DX
Tel. (01904) 411521 E-mail: