Lent Fast Day

26th February 2010 – 50th Anniversary of Fast Day

It’s hard to believe that the first Family Fast Day, as it was first known, was 50 years ago and it all started with a few women, who learned of the suffering of mothers and babies in the Dominican Republic and wanted to try to help… and the rest, as they say, is history.

Although Lent is now well underway, it is still not too late to get involved in Give it up! revisiting a very familiar practise of giving up something and donating what you have saved. Through your efforts you can help to change ‘Wine into water’ and ‘Biscuits into bicycles’ or perhaps you can come up with your own novel ideas? Whatever you do, thank you!

To mark the 50th Anniversary, a Mass of Celebration and thanks will be offered by Bishop Drainey at 3pm on Sunday 3rd October at Middlesbrough Cathedral and we extend an open invitation to everyone from all around the Diocese to come along and join in the celebrations.

Also, lastly but by no means least, please come along and join in an Ecumenical Service to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the death of Archbishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador, on Saturday 20th March at 11am in York Minster along with our own Bishop, Terence Drainey, Archbishop Keith O’Brien of Edinburgh will preside and the Anglican Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, will give the address.

Carol Cross
CAFOD Middlesbrough
54 Blossom Street
York YO24 1AP
Tel (01904) 671767 or e-mail middlesbrough@cafod.org.uk
Website: www.cafod.org.uk

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