Apr, 2011
The Paradox of Meister Eckhart

A Quiet Day of Reflection on the Life and Work of a Medieval Mystic

Saturday 7th May 2011, 10am – 4pm, More House Catholic Chaplaincy, Heslington, York

Led by Anthony Finnerty (Trustee of the Eckhart Society)

The day is structured around Meister Eckhart’s life and teaching, with periods of quiet reflection and a Liturgy on Eckhartian themes with music, words and stillness.

Cost for the day: £10.00 (or for those who are unemployed or in need, a small contribution will be gratefully accepted).

Limited places available, please book early. For more details please contact:

Anne Tracy: (01904) 647272 Maureen Pickman: (01759) 318837

God never tires of loving and acting, and all that he loves is for him a single love.
Meister Eckhart: The Book of Divine Consolation

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