Jun, 2011
Catenian First in the Sage Centre

Catenian Conference and First Mass in The Sage, Gateshead

The Catenian Association’s Annual Conference and Social Weekend held in Newcastle and Gateshead recently was a huge success. It was attended by close to 800 delegates and wives.

Friday evening saw the Civic Reception held in Newcastle Civic Centre. In a packed Banqueting Suite, delegates were entertained by the wonderful singing of the Felling Male Voice Choir who held the audience’s attention from start to finish.

photo of Cardinal O'Brien preaching in the Sage Centre in Gateshead

Earlier in the day, brothers enjoyed a golf competition at Chester-le-Street Golf Club with prizes being presented by Grand President, Tony Godden.

Saturday morning again saw the Banqueting Suite full for the Conference proper. Delegates heard two superb speeches, one from newly installed Grand President, Tony Godden and the other from Fr Jim O’Keefe, Parish Priest of St Bede’s and St Joseph’s in Newcastle. Tony laid out his vision for the future of the Association while Fr Jim challenged his audience and his quote “No one gets to heaven without a recommendation from the poor” exercised everyone’s minds. While the Conference was going on, the ladies enjoyed visits to Durham Cathedral, Alnwick Gardens or a trip on the river.

With Conference business completed, social activities took over with the Carnival Ball held in the Banqueting Suite and the Banquet being held in the Hilton Hotel. Guests of honour at the latter were His Eminence Cardinal Keith Patrick O’Brien, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh and Councillor Joe Mitchinson, Deputy Mayor of Gateshead.

The undoubted highlight of the weekend was the Pontifical High Mass held in the superb surroundings of Hall One of The Sage, Gateshead. The chief celebrant was Cardinal O’Brien, assisted by Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, Seamus Cunningham, and local priests. His Eminence held the audience spellbound with his homily, surprising the congregation with the revelation that he had been turned down for the priesthood not once but twice! The singing of the Diocesan Choir, led by Director Philip Robinson, wonderfully enhanced the occasion. Over 1,000 people attended this historic occasion and their voices and that of the Diocesan Choir made full use of Hall One’s superb acoustics. This was the first ever Mass celebrated in The Sage and those present left with a memory of a truly magnificent experience.

The Catenians are a group of Catholic men who meet for mutual support. They are actively recruiting and cordially invite interested parties to get in touch. Contact Provincial Membership Officer, Stuart Lane: b.stuartlane@btinternet.com or tel 0191 525 0195, or Provincial Press and Publicity Officer, Terry McQuillan: tandlmcq@blueyonder.co.uk or tel 0191 259 5259.

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