The Charity Bowl

When parishioners were asked to suggest causes to benefit from donations to the Cathedral’s Charity Bowl they came up with a list of 17. The newly formed Justice and Peace Group were then asked to examine those and make recommendations.

photo of cheque presented to Stephen Mulholland

So, during the first weekend of March each Mass-goer received a ballot paper listing Third World and local charities and voted for one in each category (using the first past the post system.) The clear winners were; CAFOD Connect2 Rwanda and Catholic Handicapped Fellowship.

In the photograph, the Chairman of the Justice and Peace Group, Theresa Lyth, is seen presenting a cheque for £615:00 to Stephen Mulholland, chairman of the Fellowship. A cheque for the same amount was sent to CAFOD and both causes will continue to benefit for the rest of the year.

Presenting the cheque, Theresa said,

The Cathedral parishioners are please to give this first donation. Many people of all ages give generously and regularly. We look forward to hosting a Mass for the Fellowship in the coming months.

Replying Stephen said,

Thanks to all who contributed. It is good to know that even in these difficult times, there are still people prepared to help those less fortunate.

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