May, 2008
African Ceilidh Joy

Kath Sainsbury, Practice Manager for Justice First writes, ‘Thanks to all those involved in the African Ceilidh on Friday 25th April at St Thomas More, Beechwood in aid of Justice First, a charity which works alongside people who have been refused asylum. Like all charities working with disadvantaged groups, we must constantly raise funds to sustain our activities.

We were delighted that people from the Catholic community in Middlesbrough organised this event for us. It was a ceilidh with a difference, thanks to the Tees Valley World Drummers who entertained us along with the Ceilidh Band under the leadership of Ron Marshall. Special thanks must go to Eleanor and Mick Garrity who worked so hard to make the evening a success. A delicious selection of African food was provided by Safi and Grace. We were particularly pleased to welcome the Mayor of Stockton and his wife, John and Suzanne Fletcher. Justice First is one of the Mayor’s charities.

On behalf of everyone involved with Justice First, I would like to express our gratitude to all those who supported this event – nearly £300 was raised. Thank you!’

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Bishop Terry celebrating Mass in Lourdes – Photo by Les Clark
Father Peter Ryan
Friends of the Holy Land Lent Appeal and Resources
St Paulinus Church, Guisborough
Flame 2023 – Photo © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk
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