For several years, York’s churches have co-operated in offering the Alpha course, introducing non-believers to Jesus Christ. This autumn, a group at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre will also take part, offering the Alpha course on Monday evenings. ‘The launch evening, with a superb meal, lively presentation, and chance to make friends, will be on 21st September,’ the group tells us, ‘but we are not sure yet of the venue. Watch this space! Please encourage people to come and explore Christianity. Come with them if you can. Invite them now, so that they put it into their diary.’
Helpers are welcome, whether leading some discussions or helping with catering. Most of the group will take part in a training day on Saturday 4th July at St Michael-le-Belfrey Church.
For more information, telephone Mary (01904) 653836 or David (01904) 330608.
The photo shows Rev Roger Simpson (right) of St Michael-le-Belfry Church, with Fr Pat Hartnett (centre) of St George’s and David Copeland (left), leader of the prayer group at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, pictured at the Churches Together in York AGM. Roger gave a lively account of the history and development of the Alpha course worldwide, and emphasised the importance of the Holy Spirit.