by webmaster | Feb 18, 2024 | Miscellaneous
Dear sisters and brothers, Where would we be without adverts? Our world is peppered with them. Turn but a corner and your eyes are bombarded with them. Flick the switch and your senses are flooded with them. Enter any shopping Mall and your ears are blasted by them....
by webmaster | Apr 12, 2020 | Bishop Terry, Bishop Terry's Pastoral Letters
Dear Sisters and Brothers, It was very early on the first day of the week and still dark, when Mary of Magdala and the other Mary came to visit the sepulchre. Don’t they say that the darkest hour is just before the dawn? When we are troubled or sick, when...
by webmaster | Apr 1, 2020 | Voice Column
We call ourselves “Christians”, followers of Christ. But are we really followers and in what sense? Is our following of Christ like following a regime, say, for example, like “Dry January” or taking on a new diet, trying to bring some order and discipline into our...
by webmaster | Mar 1, 2020 | Voice Column
As we continue to celebrate the year of “the God who speaks”, it is especially important that, as Lent begins, we focus on the Word of God, and try to listen to that word in a new way. The Sunday readings have a particular structure. The gospels on the first two...
by webmaster | Feb 1, 2020 | Voice Column
I’m always glad when we get to February. Although it can throw the worst of winter’s weather at us, at least we are moving away from the dark and into the light, from the winter into early spring, from the bleak into the not-so-bleak. The lengthening of the days...