A new safeguarding e-learning programme

The Catholic Church in England and Wales is possibly the first Church in the UK, or indeed the world, to offer safeguarding e-learning to every parishioner free of charge. Do you work with children, young people or adults who may be vulnerable? Are you a parent who...

July Article from Bishop Terry

What a great pleasure it was to welcome Bishop John back to the diocese last month. There was a great turnout from all parts. Thanks to everyone who made such a great effort to be there and a great big thanks to all those who were involved in the organisation of the...

Bishop welcomes Laudato Sii encyclical

Bishop of Middlesbrough Terence Patrick Drainey today welcomed the Papal Encyclical on the environment by inviting people to share responsibility for the world around us. Speaking as Pope Francis’ long awaited document was made public, Bishop Terry said we can all...

New Opera’s Middlesbrough Premiere

  This Saturday (June 20th) at 7pm, a spectacular new opera, especially written to commemorate the 800th anniversary of King John’s sealing of Magna Carta at Runnymede, will be performed at Sain t Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough. In an historic and exciting...

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