A Word of Thanks from Bishop Terence

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody involved in the visit of the relics of St Therese to the Cathedral. It was truly a wonderful opportunity of grace for us all. Firstly, my thanks to Fr Gerard Robinson and his team for outstanding organisation....

Farewell Prayer

following the visit of the relics of St Thérèse Loving Father, We thank you for the visit of the relics of St Therese to our country. We ask you to draw us more deeply into your love And to fill us with confidence in your mercy. Help us to become, like...

Thank you, St Clare’s School!

The foods brought in for the Harvest Celebration at St Clare’s School have been very kindly donated to the Mary Thompson Fund, which supports refugees and asylum seekers in the Tees Valley many of whom receive no other support. Many, many thanks to Mrs Fall, and all...

Journey in Faith – an Introduction

Exploring RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) This is an opportunity to glimpse a vision of the richness the RCIA journey offers, not only to newcomers to the faith, but to the whole parish community. Further details are on the Adult Formation...

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