The Postgate Rally 2009

Bishop Terry will be the main concelebrant and preacher at this year’s Postgate Rally which will take place on Sunday 5th July from 2.30pm at Egton Bridge. The Mass is in honour of the English and Welsh martyrs and Blessed Nicholas Postgate. There is free...

Read-a-Book-a-Month – Corinthians

St George’s RC Church, York, was the venue for the launch of the reading of 1 and 2 Corinthians, and a chance to revisit the adventures in the Acts of the Apostles. Parish singers taught us a setting of ‘Love is …’ 1 Cor 13. Readers from the...

They couldn’t believe their eyes

Parishioners at St Patrick’s Church, Thornaby, couldn’t believe their eyes when their refurbished parish hall was reopened on Thursday 7th May 2009! Nine months earlier the hall had been in ruins – the electrics had been condemned, the floor had...

Ecumenical Hospital Service

An ecumenical service of celebration and affirmation for voluntary chaplaincy members in the James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, was held in the hospital Chapel of the Good Samaritan on 1st June. The idea for the service was put forward and organised by the...

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