Remembering Cardinal Hume, 100 years on

Remembering Cardinal Hume, 100 years on

March 2 2023 will mark 100 years since Cardinal Basil Hume was born. By the time of his death, he was a much admired and respected figure in the country and greatly loved within his own Catholic community.The approach to his centenary gave Emeritus Bishop of...

15th Sunday of the Year (B)

Saint Joseph’s, Pickering 12th July 2009 Isn’t it amazing how when things go badly we immediately turn to God and pray for all we are worth. We can sail through life, just getting on with the ordinary day to day things, not giving too much thought to God’s...

137 years of service by the Faithful Companions of Jesus

Thanksgiving Mass celebrating 137 years of service in education in the Diocese of Middlesbrough by the Faithful Companions of Jesus 5 July 2009 We have just heard in the Gospel: You did not choose me, no, I chose you; and I have commissioned you to go out and to bear...

Feast of SS Peter and Paul

for XT3 180 seconds June 2009 You can’t give what you haven’t got. It is a simple truth that most of us live by. If we don’t have the faith we can’t pass it on. Jesus asks a simple straightforward question in the gospel, “Who do people say the Son of Man...

Blessing of the Cemetery

at Stanbrook Abbey, Crief Farm, Wass 25 June 2009 Lord, by your cross and resurrection you have set us free. You are the Saviour of the world We are called to be part of God’s priestly, prophetic and royal people. We know that; we take it for granted. It should...

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