Servant of God returns home

Fr Austin O’Neill, retired parish priest of St Aelred’s, York, died on Saturday 25 April after a long period of ill health. He was 73 and had been a priest for almost 48 years, 21 of which were at St Aelred’s. Education was close to his heart. He...

St Paul – In Our Time

With the Year of St Paul drawing to a close readers may like to listen to a recent episode of the BBC Radio 4 programme ‘In Our Time’ entitled St Paul. In this episode the host Melvyn Bragg and his guests Helen Bond (Senior Lecturer in the New Testament at...

Blaise Kamba

Upon arrival in the Democratic Republic of Congo following his deportation from the UK, Blaise Kamba was arrested by plain clothes agents once he had left the airport. He was blindfolded and handcuffed, thrown into a jeep/van and taken to the prison he subsequently...

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