ROCK The Story of Simon Peter

Saturday 15th November 2008 at Hambleton Forum, Northallerton Conducted by Roger Jones 4.00 pm and 7.30 pm Tickets £8.00 (concessions £6.00) Tickets & further information from Jenny Dowson (01642) 850505 or Helen and Alan Weighell (01642) 710630 Christian Music...

Sir Edward Elgar – an Exhibition

Presented by Cleveland Philharmonic Choir personal and musical memorabilia loaned by Elgar’s great-nephew information panels from the Elgar Birthplace Museum, near Worcester Ken Russell’s film music and images Elgar and Middlesbrough Town Hall The Dream of...

The Bible Challenge Continues

In York Churches The bible-reading challenge continues to extend: the Advent bible-studies, accompanied by children’s sessions, will be held in All Saints Church, North Street, 3.45 pm on Sundays 23rd November, 7th and 14th December. Pamphlets and bibles on...

Waiting For Christmas

Part of the Bible Reading Challenge in York Churches The cake team are already on stand-by at St Clement’s for the ‘Waiting For Christmas’ event, Sunday 16th November, 4.00 pm, launching us into reading Micah, Malachi and the Nativity...

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