Indian Retreat in Middlesbrough

A three day Catholic revival retreat was conducted at St Joseph’s Church, Middlesbrough on 11th-13th August 2008. The programme was in the Malayalam language and around 200 Indian Christians attended this event. The retreat was led by Rev Fr George Panackal VC....

Heritage of the Diocese under review

In 2006, Bishop Crowley and his Trustees, jointly with English Heritage, commissioned an expert consultant to assess the special architectural and historic interest of all the parish churches in the Diocese and to give a view on their physical condition. The review...

Good News!

Fr Bill East has produced a second volume of homilies, Good News! Preaching in the Year of Mark, published by Dominican Publications, Dublin. Bishop Terry writes: ‘Reading and enjoying Bill East’s homilies for the Year of Mark made me think how simple a...

Lunchtime Concerts with Terry Waite CBE

On 4th and 5th November 2008, there will be two momentous Lunchtime Concerts, at St John’s Burlington Methodist Church, St John’s Street, Bridlington on the 4th and at Whitby Pavilion on the 5th. Both concerts start at 12.30 pm. The legendary Terry Waite...

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