‘Noah, where were you when we needed you?’

So said the caption on a photo display showing the effects of the great flood visited on Hull last June. The monsoon like storm brought several months of rainfall on the city in just a few hours. Result. Thousands of homes and businesses were severely damaged and the...

McEwan Cup 1958

This team photograph from 1958 may be of interest to readers. It is of the football team that won the McEwan Cup for St Philomena’s Boys Club in that year. St Philomena’s is now the Sacred Heart, of course. The team played in the Middlesbrough and District...

“Oh Boy!” that was some wedding!

Fr Pat Keogh, along with 140 or so people from Teesside, set off recently for the beautiful village of Arpino in Italy to marry Lucia Rovardi and Chris Tomlinson, both of whom hail from Middlesbrough. Lucia, a former student at Newlands School, is a singer and...

150th Anniversary of the building of St Peter’s

Scarborough, 1 July 2008 The Lord is the living stone, a precious cornerstone, a keystone, a rock. These phrases are used frequently in the scriptures. Strong and protecting, lasting and faithful, surprising source of life and that which holds life together; for a...

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