Bishop Harris’ Funeral

On the evening of 10th September, Bishop Tom Williams, Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool, celebrated Mass for the residents and community at Ince Blundell where Bishop Harris had resided for the past few years.

On 11th September, his body was received into Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, which he had consecrated in 1969, where Archbishop Kelly, his assistant Bishops, Bishop Tom Burns SM (who could not be with us in Middlesbrough) together with priests from the Archdiocese concelebrated a funeral Vigil Mass attended by several hundred religious and laity including many who had been involved with the Bishop on pilgrimages to Lourdes.

On the evening of the 11th, his body was received into St Mary’s Cathedral by Canon Madden, Provost of the Chapter, together with Mgrs Dasey and Hogan. Archbishop Peter Smith (Cardiff) and Bishop Kevin Dunn (Hexham and Newcastle) were also present. Brancardiers and Knights of St Columba carried the coffin. Mgr Hogan preached a brief homily, and then followed evening prayer for the Dead.

photo of clergy processing into Cathedral

The funeral Mass was at noon on 12th September. On his coffin were his gold mitre, his crozier, the Book of Gospels, and his chalice – from his ordination in 1942. The ceremony opened with the tolling of the Cathedral bells and then the procession of priests and Bishops with Archbishop Patrick Kelly as principal concelebrant supported by Archbishop Smith and Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Birmingham. The Mayors of Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland together with representatives from other churches were present in the congregation.

photo of Monsignor Dasey

Mgr Dasey welcomed everybody to the Cathedral and expressed to Bishop Harris’ family our sympathy and an assurance of our prayers. On behalf of the Diocese he thanked the Augustinian Sisters for their care for Bishop Harris in recent years. Canon Sheridan (Chancellor) read a letter of sympathy from Pope Benedict, Mgr Joseph Marino (Counsellor at Papal Nunciature) spoke on behalf of the Papal Nuncio, and Archbishop Kelly read a letter from Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor who was unable to be with us.

Archbishop Nichols preached the homily commenting on Bishop Harris’ faith and his work as a priest, as a Diocesan Bishop, and as a major contributor to the work of the Bishops’ Conference, together with a few anecdotes that brought laughter throughout the Cathedral.

photo of Bishop Harris' coffin with mitre

Bishop Harris’ nephew, John Cunningham, read the first lesson and Sr Laura Hughes of Ince Blundell the second, whilst Sr Laura and Ann who had been chauffeur to the Bishop when he ‘didn’t fancy driving’ presented the offertory gifts to Archbishop Kelly. Mrs Pat Wilson from the Curial Office and Miss Lorraine Welch from the Bishops’ Conference led the Bidding Prayers.

In a touching moment, Archbishop Kelly came from the Altar to the Ecumenical guests to give them a blessing immediately before the distribution of Holy Communion.

photo of Archbishop Kelly giving commendation

Archbishop Kelly led the final commendation, and Ampleforth Monks sang the ‘In Paradisum’. Priests and Bishops led the coffin, again carried by Brancardiers and Knights, in procession to the Crypt for burial.

photo of Brancardiers carrying coffin

May he rest in peace.

Photographs courtesy of Les Clark and Philip Cook

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