Bridging divisions in the world

Dean Brackley, S.J., a Jesuit priest in Latin America, will present a lecture in York entitled Crosses and Resurrections in El Salvador – The Wider North-South Divide and Our Vocation to Solidarity at 7.30pm on Friday 13th February 2009. Dean Brackley’s visit is organised by CAFOD ( and the Archbishop Romero Trust (, and is proudly hosted by York St. John University (

photo of Archbishop Romero

Dean Brackley is a New York Jesuit priest ordained in 1976. He received his doctorate in Theological Ethics at the University of Chicago in 1980. His published work includes The Call to Discernment in Troubled Times: New Perspectives on the Transformative Wisdom of Ignatius Loyola (Crossroads, 2004). In 1989, following the martyrdom of six Jesuit priests in San Salvador, he offered to move to Central America, and in the great gap that their deaths left behind he took up the teaching of theology. Nineteen years later he remains at the University of Central America as Professor of Theology and Ethics.

All are welcome to attend this lecture, which takes place in the Fountains Lecture Theatre and will be followed by a drinks reception. The event is free of charge but admission will be by ticket only (please note ticket numbers are limited). To book a place, please contact the Theology Office at York St John University by telephoning 01904 876517 or emailing

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