CAFOD Middlesbrough Pilgrimage

‘Just One World – Walking with the Northern Saints’

The CAFOD northern diocesan offices are all holding pilgrimages this year. Hallam’s was held on May Day and our own pilgrimage will follow on from the Leeds Diocesan pilgrimage when we collect the pilgrimage symbol, a specially made replica of St Cuthbert’s Pectoral Cross, at a service in Ripon Cathedral on Saturday 25th June. Hexham and Newcastle’s pilgrimage follows ours, ending on Holy Island on 9th July 2011 for the annual pilgrimage.

Our aim is to begin a year of pilgrimage towards marking the 50th Anniversary of the Catholic Bishops institution of CAFOD in 1962, just before the Second Vatican Council. We also want to acknowledge the rich heritage of the many saints of our Diocese and the faith that has endured down through the years, to our own time, as well as remembering all who have dedicated their time and efforts to promote and support CAFOD’s work in the last 50 years.

We hope to have a core group of eight walkers who will walk the whole route and warmly invite others to join in with the pilgrimage, for an hour, or a day, anywhere along the route, as they wish. If you are unable to join us physically, you could unite with us by praying for CAFOD’s work and partners during the pilgrimage. We will be starting and ending each day with either Mass or a prayer service, as we arrive at each day’s destination and before we set out on the next stage.

We are looking forward to visiting some schools and parishes along the route so please watch your parish newsletter for details.

We also hope to be joined by one of our Rwandan partners for the final stage of the pilgrimage and for the Mass at Whitby Abbey. People from our Connect2 Rwanda parishes will be most welcome to come and meet Simon there! Please see the plans in the itinerary below. For further details, contact the CAFOD Middlesbrough Office on (01904) 671767 or by e-mail

  • Sunday 26th June – Stage 1 Osmotherley to Hutton Rudby: 10 miles – starting with Mass at the Benedictine Monastery at 10.30 am with Fr Damien Humphries OSB
  • Monday 27th June – Stage 2 Hutton Rudby to Stokesley: 7 Miles
  • Tuesday 28th June – Stage 3 Stokesley to Cathedral: 8 miles
  • Wednesday 29th June – Stage 4 Cathedral to Redcar: 15 miles
  • Thursday 30th June – Stage 5 Redcar to Saltburn: 9 miles
  • Friday 1st July – Stage 6 Saltburn to Runswick Bay: 10 miles
  • Saturday 2nd July – Stage 7 Runswick Bay to Whitby: 12 miles – ending with Mass at Whitby Abbey starting at 2.30 pm

English Heritage have very kindly granted permission for us to hold Mass in the Nave of the Abbey ruins and Canon John Lumley will preside. If you would like to come along to what we are sure will be a very atmospheric finale to our pilgrimage, held at this historic site, please get in touch with the CAFOD Middlesbrough Office. We will then send you a CAFOD badge to wear so that you can come into the site, as we have to give estimated numbers to English Heritage. There will be a nominal charge of £1.00 to enter the site for the Mass, which we will collect on the day. Anyone wishing to stay longer will have to pay an additional entrance fee to English Heritage.

There is convenient level parking behind the Abbey ruins with an overflow car park – remember, it is peak season so arrive early! The site is very level but you will need to bring your own seats, if you need them. Why not make it a family day out and bring a picnic to enjoy in the grounds! There is also a tea room and visitor centre on the site. We look forward to seeing you there!

Can You Help?

We are trying to organise overnight accommodation for our core walkers along the route in people’s homes. If you live along the route and have a spare bed you could offer – we would love to hear from you! Also, anyone who can offer to be a support driver on any of the days – please get in touch! Telephone Carol on 07786 171367 (mob) or at the CAFOD Office on (01904) 671767 or by e-mail

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