Catechists’ Foundation Course 2010-2011

The first year of ‘Wellsprings’ – the Diocesan Catechists’ Foundation Course, is rapidly approaching its conclusion. Of the 64 parishioners who commenced the course last September, nearly 60 will complete it in July.

They’ve been meeting in two cohorts – one based in Middlesbrough, the other in York – but will come together for a final Day of Reflection on 16th July at Ampleforth. They will meet for a day led by Hilda and Mike Hedley and myself, drawing together and reflecting upon themes both from the completed course and their future work.

At 3.00 pm we have the honour of being joined by Bishop Terence Drainey who, whilst leading our Liturgy in the Abbey Church, will send forth and commission each of them as a Catechist in the Diocese of Middlesbrough.

I hope that family and friends, as well as the participants’ parish clergy will join us for the Commissioning Liturgy. The wider Diocese will have an opportunity to congratulate their fellow parishioners who have been commissioned when the course certificates are presented at Mass in their home parishes.

Jane Cook
Adult Formation Adviser

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