by webmaster | Apr 28, 2012 | Bishop Terry's Pastoral Letters
Dear brothers and sisters I hope all of us can say we have had in our lives some experience of unconditional love: from our parents, a grandparent, from significant people in our lives. Perhaps it will have been from a priest, a religious sister or brother. As we look...
by webmaster | Feb 25, 2012 | Bishop Terry's Pastoral Letters
Dear sisters and brothers Where would we be without adverts? Our world is peppered with them. Turn but a corner and your eyes are bombarded with them. Flick the switch and your senses are flooded with them. Enter any shopping Mall and your ears are blasted by them. As...
by webmaster | Jan 1, 2012 | Bishop Terry's Pastoral Letters
World Day of Prayer for Peace Dear Brothers and Sisters Happy New Year to you all! Does the passing from the Old Year to the New Year make things feel any different to you? I have always been disappointed with New Year. There is such a build up to it – reviews of the...
by webmaster | Nov 26, 2011 | Bishop Terry's Pastoral Letters
Dear Sisters and Brothers Listening to the news at the moment can be so depressing. Everything seems to be collapsing around us; earthquakes, wars, revolutions, financial instability, sleaze in politics, corruption in the media, scandal in the Church. Where can we...
by webmaster | Aug 28, 2011 | Bishop Terry's Pastoral Letters
Pastoral Letter of Terence Patrick Drainey, Bishop of Middlesbrough Dear brothers and sisters, I don’t consider myself old, well, not very old, but already since my boyhood I have lived through at least six major changes in the language used to celebrate the...
by webmaster | Jun 23, 2011 | CAFOD, St Mary's Cathedral, Middlesbrough, Organisations, Parishes, Bishop Terry
4th-6th June 2011 Mgr Héctor Fabio Henao, Mélida Esther Guevara and Jesus Alberto Castilla Salazar, accompanied by Francis McDonagh, CAFOD’s Andes Programme Manager, visited Middlesbrough over the 4th–6th June to share their experiences of life in...