by webmaster | Apr 23, 2008 | Organisations, Bishop Terry
Plaque on Ouse Bridge York to St Margaret Clitherow arranged by Knights of St Columba. Bishop Terence Drainey of Middlesbrough is to unveil a plaque to St Margaret Clitherow at the Micklegate end of Ouse Bridge in York on Friday 29th August at 3.30pm. This will be...
by webmaster | Apr 13, 2008 | Bishop Terry's Pastoral Letters
13 April 2008 Fourth Sunday of Easter Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is time for us to turn our minds to the topic of “Vocations”. This year the Holy Father has chosen as his theme for Good Shepherd Sunday: Vocations at the service of the Church on mission. Each one of...
by webmaster | Apr 13, 2008 | Bishop Terry's Pastoral Letters
13 April 2008 Fourth Sunday of Easter Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is time for us to turn our minds to the topic of “Vocations”. This year the Holy Father has chosen as his theme for Good Shepherd Sunday: Vocations at the service of the Church on mission. Each one of...
by webmaster | Apr 5, 2008 | Miscellaneous, Bishop Terry
As part of his “whistle-stop” tour of the diocese Bishop Terry recently visited Prison Chaplain, Fr Patrick Cope and spent the best part of the day with him at Deerbolt Young Offenders Institution. During the day he met with members of the Senior...
by webmaster | Apr 5, 2008 | Event Calendar, Organisations, Bishop Terry
A Press Release from Council 95 (York) 0f the Knights of St Columba. Plaque on Ouse Bridge, York to St Margaret Clitherow arranged by Knights of St Columba. Bishop Terence Drainey of Middlesbrough is to unveil a plaque to St Margaret Clitherow at the Micklegate end of...
by webmaster | Apr 5, 2008 | Justice and Peace, Bishop Terry
We were very happy to welcome Bishop Terry at our Core Group meeting at the end of February. This gave us an opportunity to tell him about the aims and work of the Commission and to ask him to send a message to our readers which you will see below. We look forward to...